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更新时间:2020-03-25 10:41:39 来源:全国翻译专业资格考试官网 阅读量:

【摘要】 近期多项考试受到疫情影响。你知道关于2020翻译考试备考资料:抗击新冠肺炎疫情的相关信息吗?考必过为大家整理了2020翻译考试备考资料:抗击新冠肺炎疫情,一起来看看吧!



Brave Fighters

1. 钟南山:新冠肺炎疫情科研攻关专家组组长



Zhong Nanshan, Head of China’s COVID-19 Expert Team

Zhong Nanshan is director of the National Clinical Research Center for Respiratory Disease, an academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering, and a leading Chinese expert in preventing and treating respiratory infectious diseases.

During the outbreak of SARS in 2003, Zhong led a group of scientists to explore effective prevention and treatment measures. His team was the first to formulate a set of standards for clinical diagnosis of SARS, which was recognized by the WHO experts as significantly valuable for the global combat against SARS. Guangdong province, where Zhong worked, was one of the SARS-hit areas with the highest cure rate and the lowest mortality rate in the world.

When the novel coronavirus epidemic broke out in early 2020, the 84-year-old Zhong returned to the battlefield and was appointed to head both China’s COVID-19 Expert Team and the High-level Expert Group of the NHC. After his field trip to Wuhan, he warned in a TV interview that there was a phenomenon of human-to-human transmission for the novel coronavirus. During the outbreak, Zhong educated the public about the virus, updated them on the trend of the epidemic as well as relative drug R&D. He also led his team to focus on curing severe cases, critically ill cases and cases with complex diseases. He is hailed by the Chinese people as a “national idol” and a “one-of-a-kind talent.”

2. 李兰娟:国家传染病重点学科带头人


在新冠肺炎疫情蔓延之际, 73岁的李兰娟率医疗队抵达武汉。在收治危重患者的定点医院,李兰娟不分昼夜地工作,向公众普及病毒知识、与医护人员商讨诊疗方案,每天只睡3个小时。在到达武汉后的第3天,李兰娟院士团队发布了重大研究成果,称阿比朵尔、达芦那韦两款药物能够有效抑制新型冠状病毒。随后,阿比朵尔列入《新型冠状病毒肺炎诊疗方案(试行第六版)》。

Li Lanjuan: Pioneer of Epidemiology

Li Lanjuan is a Chinese epidemiologist, a member of the High-level Expert Group of the NHC, and an academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering. She has undertaken the tasks of diagnosis, treatment and research for infectious diseases such as the SARS, the hand-foot-and-mouth disease, post-quake epidemics and the H1N1 flu virus. She has made many groundbreaking achievements in the prevention and control of the H7N9 flu virus, and has contributed greatly to the diagnosis and treatment of infectious diseases in China.

Amid the outbreak of the novel coronavirus, the 73-year-old Li Lanjuan led a medical team to Wuhan and worked day and night at the designated hospitals for treating severe cases. She educated the public about the virus, discussed the guidelines for diagnosis and treatment with other medical workers, and slept only three hours a day.

Three days after arriving in Wuhan, Li’s team announced an important research achievement, indicating that Arbidol and Darunavir could effectively curb the virus. Arbidol was later added in the Guidelines on the Novel Coronavirus-Infected Pneumonia Diagnosis and Treatment (Provisional 6th Edition).

3. 刘智明:因患新冠肺炎不幸殉职的武昌医院院长



Liu Zhiming: Hospital Chief Who Died of COVID-19

Liu Zhiming was president of Wuchang Hospital in Wuhan. On January 21, his hospital was urgently turned into a designated hospital for treating patients infected with the novel coronavirus. Since then, Liu had stuck to his post and kept working on the front line without a single day away from the hospital. On January 24, large numbers of confirmed cases were admitted to the hospital, and Liu was unfortunately diagnosed with the coronavirus. While being treated in the isolation ward, Liu still inquired about the patients every day and kept working until the end of his life.

Liu passed away at the age of 51 on February 18. He was the first hospital chief to die of the virus. WHO Director-General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus mourned the passing of Liu, saying that he had touched and saved numerous lives in the COVID-19 outbreak. By February 22, more than 400 severe cases had been cured and discharged from Wuchang Hospital.


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