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更新时间:2021-06-08 18:38:56 来源:网络 阅读量:

【摘要】 人生的高度,不在于起点,而是在于是否追随到终点,一切在于我们自己。考必过小编为大家整理了关于“2021CATTI英语翻译学习:词组以及固定搭配积累(6 7)”的信息,一起来看下“2021CATTI英语翻译学习:词组以及固定搭配积累(6 7)”的内容吧!


1. bring up

When someone brings up a child, they look after it until it is an adult. If someone has been brought up in a certain place or with certain attitudes, they grew up in that place or were taught those attitudes when they were growing up. 养育;抚养;养大

例:His grandmother and his father brought him up...


He was brought up in North Yorkshire...


We'd been brought up to think that borrowing money was bad...


2. shut one’s eyes to

If you say that someone shuts their eyes to something, you mean that they deliberately ignore something which they should deal with. 故意忽视;故意不予理会;对…视若罔闻

例:We shut our eyes to the plainest facts, refusing to admit the truth...我们对最浅显的事实视而不见,拒绝承认真相。

She was shutting her eyes to reality, just as she had done after Matthew died.她不肯正视现实,跟她在马修去世后的表现如出一辙。

3. bare­bones

reduced to or comprising only the basic or essential elements of something最基本的;降到最低限度的

例:Compared to spectacular funerals past — for Princess Diana in 1997 or the Queen Mother in 2002 — Philip’s ceremony was stripped down to its bare bones, partly because of pandemic restrictions.


4. the odds are stacked against

If you say that the odds are stacked against someone, or that particular factors are stacked against them, you mean that they are unlikely to succeed in what they want to do because the conditions are not favorable. 情况对…不利

例:The odds are stacked against civilians getting a fair trial...


Everything seems to be stacked against us.


5. catchment area

The catchment area of a school, hospital, or other service is the area that it serves. (学校的)招生地区;(医院等的)服务地区

例:...the catchment areas of the district general hospitals.


6. relate to sth/sb

①to be connected with sth/sb; to refer to sth/sb 涉及;与…相关;谈到

例:We shall discuss the problem as it relates to our specific case.


The second paragraph relates to the situation in Scotland.


②to be able to understand and have sympathy with sb/sth 能够理解并同情;了解;体恤

例:Many adults can't relate to children.


Our product needs an image that people can relate to.


7. run-up

①run-up(to sth) a period of time leading up to an important event;

the preparation for this (重要事情的)前期;准备阶段;准备

例:an increase in spending in the run-up to Christmas


During the run-up to the election


②In sport, a run-up is the run made by a player or athlete, for example before throwing a ball or a javelin, or before jumping. (投掷、跳高、跳远等之前的)助跑

例:When I began to compete again, I was struggling with my run-up.当我重新参赛后,我要解决助跑这一项。

8. a going concern

a business or an activity that is making a profit and is expected to continue to do well 生意兴隆的业务;发展中的事业

例:He sold the cafe as a going concern.


9. the going rate (for sth)

the usual amount of money paid for goods or services at a particular time 现行价格;现行收费标准;现行酬金标准

例:They pay slightly more than the going rate.



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