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更新时间:2020-09-09 17:41:25 来源: 阅读量:

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The Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region has natural cultural and emotional links due to the geological location. Economic, social and cultural exchange with ____ area are necessary for further devleopment.

A. peripheral

B. periphery

C. perpetual

D. perceptual

参考答案:A. peripheral

解析:这道题很明显是有四个选项的形近词分辩题,四个词形相似,但意思却不相同。解题办法之一就是“直给”,辨别每一个词的意思,找到最为正确的一个。从语义的角度来看,京津冀地区与周边地区在经济、社和文化三个层面的交流,是有利于未来的发展的。因此,选项A. peripheral是正确的。peripheral的意思是“周围的;边缘的”,即peripheral areas of land are ones which are on the edge of a larger area. 例如:...peripheral regions beyond the reach of powerful rulers./强大的统治者势力范围之外的边缘地区。...urban development in the outer peripheral areas of large towns./大城市外围地区的城市开发。


In the global economy, a new drug for cancer, _____ it is discovered, will create many economic possibilities around the world.

A. whateve

rB. whoever

C. wherever

D. whichever

参考答案:C. wherever

解析:从整个句子结构来看,___ it is discovered,是作为主语a new drug for cancer让步条件状语从句,并插入至主语与谓语will create之间。就这个从句的结构来看,it is discovered是一个系表结构,相对完整。那么,空格里所缺的应该是一个引导状语从句的连词。从四个选项里来看,也只有选项C. wherever符合。从整个句子语义层面来看,“在经济全球化的情况来看,一种新的抗癌药,不管是在什么地方研治出来的,都会在全球产生经济效益。”


After his father died he assumed the presidency of the plant and _____ the company distinguished service.

A. rendered

B. surrendered

C. surrounded

D. packed.

参考答案:A. rendered

解析:这一题里,需要注意两个关键的地方,一个是assume,另一个就是空格里的选项所需要表达的意思了。Assume不只是我们通常所记得的“假设”,而是在与职位搭配时,有“掌管,夺取,取得(权力);承担(责任)”的意思,即If someone assumes power or responsibility, they take power or responsibility. 例如:Mr Cross will assume the role of Chief Executive with a team of four directors./克劳斯先生将出任首席执行官,手下有4位经理。If there is no president, power will be assumed by the most extremist forces./如果没有主席,权力就会落入最极端的过激分子手中。于是,he assumed the presidency of the plant的意思就是“他当上了发电工厂的厂长”。那么,后面的distinguished service则是与他当上了厂长后的所作作为有关系了,即为“company”贡献了才干。在这四个选项里,只有A. render的意思相近,“给予(帮助);提供(服务)”,即If you render someone help or service, you help them. 例如:He had a chance to render some service to his country./他有了一个为国服务的机会。/Any assistance you can render him will be appreciated. 无论给予他何种帮助,他都会非常感激。


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