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【摘要】 即将参加公共英语考试的考生们,考试时间渐渐临近,你们的备考工作进行得如何了?考必过为大家精心整理了2020年全国英语等级考试二级模拟试题-公共英语考试写作四,希望能够帮助大家通过公共英语考试。关于2020年全国英语等级考试二级模拟试题-公共英语考试写作四的具体内容如下:



  Suppose you are a resident of a city,whose name is Li Hua.If you think there are many problems in the taxi industry of this city,please write a letter to the mayor of this city,which should include:   Problem(1)the number of docking points is too small to be easily reached;   (2)cheating foreign passengers;   (3)too fast speed and frequent accidents;   (4)there are still persons who refuse to carry;   (5)make noise when gathering outside the entertainment place at night to wait for guests,and affect others'rest.   It is suggested to strengthen management   Note:1.The number of words is about 100.Given at the beginning of the article.   2.Reference Vocabulary:take a roundabout route:inconsiderate(adj.)   Industry:trade strengthen management:tighten control over   Model essay:   Dear Mayor,   I’m a resident of the city.I feel there are many problems existing in the trade of taxi in our city.First of all,there are still not enough stops in the streets so it’s not easy to take a taxi.And taxis often run very fast,which causes many traffic accidents.What’s more,some taxi drivers still refuse to pick up some passengers without any reason.Another terrible thing which often happens is that deep at night taxis waiting around the entertainment places make much noise.Many people suffer from this inconsiderate action.A friend of mine living in another city once visited me,and she told me our city’s taxi drivers cheated her by taking a roundabout route.What will a guest think of our city after such a bad experience?   I think we must take actions to tighten control over the taxi trade.Maybe the first thing to do is raise the taxi drivers’professional morality.   We are looking forward to your reply.   Sincerely yours,   Li Hua


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