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更新时间:2020-01-29 16:24:57 来源: 阅读量:

【摘要】 毕业论文答辩是一种有组织、有准备、有计划、有鉴定的比较正规的审查论文的重要形式。那么你知道毕业答辩的流程吗?为了帮助大家顺利完成答辩,考必过精心整理了英语论文答辩稿,希望能够帮助到大家。有关英语论文答辩稿的详细内容如下:




I have taken a long time to write this thesis, and my heart-feel thanks go to those who give me a lot help to finish this thesis.

First of all, I would like to express my great appreciation to my supervisor professor Wang Yiwen for her patient and constructive instructions on my thesis writing.

Secondly, I would like to thank my mother who give me much encouragement and help me to analysis the theme.

In a word, I would like to thank those enthusiastic people for their help.


With the development of world economy, and more frequent exchanges between East and West, intercultural communication has become increasingly important. Therefore, it’s very significant for students to development their intercultural communication competence for the use of English and American movies and appreciation classes. Anglo-American film and appreciation lesson is mainly based on multimedia, which was carried out by teacher-student interaction. And students complete critics first after watching the film, then they exchange opinions. This class method will enable students to learn speech more efficiently, understand cultural background of a country, and improve listening level. This article summarizes the current situation of Chinese college students’ intercultural communicative competence, analyzes the problems in the process of training of college students’ intercultural communication and an effective way, the creation of the Anglo-American film and appreciation classes, to develop Chinese College Students' Intercultural Communicative Competence. Then it discusses the advantage and importance of how to use the Anglo-American film and appreciation lesson to cultivate college students’ cross-cultural communicative ability. Finally it does a deep study on college students’ cross-cultural communication ability training, and comes up with some

methods to solve the problems. It will make a great effect on college students’ growth and study.

Key words: Anglo-American film and appreciation lesson, college students, intercultural communicative competence


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