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2019年BEC商务英语高级必备口语资料(16) -中华考试网

更新时间:2020-01-09 06:40:31 来源: 阅读量:

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【摘要】 商务英语考试是考察真实工作环境中英语交流能力,将其作为入学考试或招聘录用的英语语言水平要求。下面是2019年BEC商务英语高级必备口语资料(16) -中华考试网的一些常见问题,仔细阅读相关规定,提前做好准备,俗话说不打没有准备的仗,做足准备。下面让我们看看2019年BEC商务英语高级必备口语资料(16) -中华考试网的具体内容:

2019年BEC商务英语高级必备口语资料(16) -中华考试网



  Ex: How to ensure appropriate levels of confidentiality over the long-term staffing plans of a company.

  ○1 We all heard about the business espionage. One company sends people to another company to gather sensitive information. The law forbids these indecent behaviors. But these behaviors are always difficult to legally identify. What the company can do is taking care of itself and make the sensitive information confidential.

  ○2 Firstly, the company should be aware of the recruitment process. CV or resume can sometimes tell whether a candidate is sent by its competitors.

  ○3 Secondly, give different rights to different levels of staff on access to the company’s important documents.

  ○4 Thirdly, add code to the computer and install firewall.

  Ex: The importance of providing employees with clear job descriptions.

  ○1 It is part of the incentive schemes and communication. It improves the communication with you and your employees and motivates them. They will feel being recognized publicly and devote themselves to their work.

  ○2 The job descriptions include requirement of any skills, responsibility and payment.

以上就是考必过为大家整理的2019年BEC商务英语高级必备口语资料(16) -中华考试网的具体内容。鉴于商务英语考试处于非常火热的状态,考生要合理安排考试时间,早规划早准备,以免错过合适机会。最后,考必过预祝大家在未来的商务英语考试中能够取得优异的成绩!

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