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更新时间:2021-03-04 17:23:59 来源:网络 阅读量:

【摘要】 考必过小编为大家整理了关于“2021年高考英语二轮复习:冠词(三)”的信息,希望可以帮助到大家,下面我们就一起来看下“2021年高考英语二轮复习:冠词(三)”的内容吧!


16 Throughout history nan has had to accept fact that all living things must die.

A the:the B。;a C不填;the D不填;不填

17一Was problem solved?

一We were trying to think of way out,but it was impossible to find one.

A a:the B the;a C.the;不填D。;。

18 I am in charge of the class which was in charge of my wife.

A.不填:the B不填;不填 C the;不填D the;the

19 While music is just so-so, story in this TV play is quite moving

A the:the B不填;不填 C.the;a D不填;the

20 According to World Health Organization,health care plans are needed in all big cities to prevent spread of AIDS

A the:the B.th。;不填 C.a;a D不填;the

21 Nowadays Intenet is becoming increasingly popular and new high speed broadband network has recently started.

A a;the B the;a C a;a D the;the

22 We made Xiao Ming monitor at the class meeting last Saturday,since ten students have been looking after the old man by turns,including monitor

A our;不填 B不填;the C.the;the D.a;our

23 It was reposed by the foreign media that the 29th Beijing Olympic Games was unique and successful event in Olympic history.

A a;不填 B.the;the C.不填;the D.a;the

24 As is known,it was Hu Jintao, presidem in our nation,who gave lecture at the opening ceremony of Beijing Olympics。

A the;a B the;不填 C;the D不填;a

25 Love is way of life,but not aim of it

A.the;the B.a;the C a;all D.the;an

26 Many people have come to realize that they should go on balanced diet and make room in heir day for exercise.

A.the;不填 B the;a C the;the D不填;a

27 1 wanted to catch early train,but couldn’t get ride to the station

A an;the B不填;the C an;不填D the;a

28 Gorge couldn’t remember when he first met Mr Anderson.but he was sure it was Sunday because everybody was at church

A不填;the B the;不填 C;不填 D不填:a

29 Polar bears live mostly on sea ice,which they useas platform for hunting seals。

A.a;a B.a;the C不填;a D the;不填

30 waIk is expected to last all day,so bring packed lunch

A.A;a B.The;不填 C.The;a D.A;不填


16 C。【解析】history为抽象名词,其前不加冠词;fact后带有同位语.应表示特指,所以答案选C。

17 B。【解析】第一空指说话双方都知道的事情,所以用定冠词;第二空的意思是想出一个好方法,way是可数名词,所以应该用不定冠词,因此答案选B。

18 A。【解析】句意:我在管理由我妻子管理的班级。in charge of负责,管理,其主语通常是人,in the charge of由……负责或管理,其主语通常是物。故答案选A。

19 A。【解析】本题的两个设空之处都指的是说话双方都明白的事情,应该用定冠词,所以答案选A。

20 A。【解析】世界卫生组织前应该用定冠词;第二空特指疾病的传播,也应该用定冠词。故答案为A。

21 B。【解析】Intenet为专有名词,成用the来修饰;而一条新的高速宽带网为泛指,用不定冠词a来修饰。

22 B。【解析】动词make之后用作补语的名词monitor (班长)表示职位,故不加冠词。第二空用定冠词the,表特指(即上文提到的我们选出的班长)。

23 D。【解析】考查冠词的特指与泛指用法。第一空表示某类事物中的一个用不定冠词,第二空特指奥林匹克历史,用定冠词。

24 D。【解析】表示职位的名词president作同位语,其前不加冠词;give a lecture为固定用法,意思是做演讲。

25 B。【解析】第一个空为a way of life一种生活方式,表泛指;第二个空用the,特指生活的目的。故选B。

26 A。【解析】考查固定搭配中冠词的用法。get ona diet节食,make room for抽出时间或空间,room是不可数名词。

27 D。【解析】the early train早班车,为习惯说法。后半句的意思是:但是却没有赶上去火车站的车。get a ride搭便车。

28 C。【解析】此处意为但是他确信那是一个星期天,因为大家都在做礼拜。be at chutch做礼拜。

29 C。【解析】ice是不可数名词,表泛指时不需要用冠词;platform是可数名词,用a表示泛指。

30 C。【解析】第一空用the表示说话双方都知道的事情;第二空用a,表泛指。


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