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A lot of young people do not know how to manage their money when graduating from high school. What do you think are the reasons? What can be done to teach them this important skill?

Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience.















Young high school graduates are often the target of consumerism traps due to a lack of understanding of how to manage their money. This essay will initially discuss the causes of this phenomenon, followed by some feasible strategies which can assist young people in gaining such an essential skill.

The most important reason that should be discussed is the shortage of proper domestic education. Improved living standards in recent years has made too many parents merely emphasize providing affluent material conditions for their children, without taking the education of money management into consideration. It is the consensus that teenagers of this age should not worry too much about money, that leads to the majority of them taking everything for granted and focusing on the quality of life rather than saving money for the uncertain future.

Another factor which cannot be ignored is the lack of relevant guidance from schools since most high school students just focus on academic learning in the existing education system, where social skills, including money management ability are hardly considered when evaluating an excellent graduate. Declining emphasis in schooling and the resulting deficiency of specialized knowledge in finance lead to students of school age lacking the initiative in managing money.

Given the severity of the current issue, concerted efforts from parents and schools are required to raise the awareness of money management among younger generation. For one thing, parents are supposed to monitor their children to develop the habit of keeping track of consumption, fostering the skill of managing their own pocket money from an earlier age. For another, high schools should recruit professionals to deliver courses concerning financial education. Introducing certain money management projects, where students can gain profits through allocating wealth properly, is probably an effective way for them to acquire this crucial skill.

In conclusion, parents and schools ought to show commitment in helping high school graduates acquire the skill of managing money.

(320 words)


1.consumerism (n.) 消费主义

2.domestic (adj.) 家庭的

3.emphasize (v.) 强调

4.merely (adv.) 仅仅

5.affluent (adj.) 富裕的

6.consensus (n.) 共识

7.majority (n.) 多数

8.take … for granted 视为当然

9.evaluate (v.) 评价

10.ignorance (n.) 忽视

11.deficiency (n.) 缺乏

12.specialized (adj.) 专业的

13.initiative (n.) 主动权

14.severity (n.) 严重性

15.concerted (adj.) 同心协力的

16.foster (v.) 促进

17.recruit (v.) 聘用

18.allocate (v.) 分配

19.acquire (v.) 获得

20.commitment (n.) 承担义务

21.enhance (v.) 加强


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