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2021年1月英语四级口语素材:Mass Media

更新时间:2021-01-20 18:12:03 来源:网络 阅读量:

【摘要】 好好复习,2020年一起奔赴美好未来!考必过小编为大家整理了关于“2021年1月英语四级口语素材:Mass Media”的信息,希望可以帮助到大家,下面我们就一起来看下“2021年1月英语四级口语素材:Mass Media”的内容吧!

2021年1月英语四级口语素材:Mass Media



1. 比如近两年比较火爆的网络直播,直播的作用是什么?你可以说出来正面影响和反面影响。正面影响,你可以说促进学习,交朋友,还能看到自己心爱的爱豆特别开心;负面影响可能是有些直播会让你花钱啦,你就不能用零花钱买书旅游之类的。

2. 上面提到的关于mass media的相关内容,其实都是需要监管的。监管的途径可以利用名人效应,也可以通过执法部门的帮助。这样就可以通过人物的模板套过来。

We can invite celebrities to tell the public to supervise the mass media. I will take my role model… as an example. Under the difficult situations such as the low family income or poor study environment, she keeps pursuing her dream of being a top university graduate. Having supported by her own strong spirit, she successfully realizes her goal. She inspires me to realize my own dream of getting a high CET grade. So her quality will make people believe what she says.

We can ask for help from the police officers. They are usually warm-hearted. They never hesitate to give others a hand when they fall into troubles and help them go through without asking for any reward. From the police officers, we learn that we should be grateful to those who help the vulnerable because of their influence.

以上就是考必过小编为大家整理的关于“2021年1月英语四级口语素材:Mass Media”的相关信息,疫情并没有伴随2020年结束,大家是否选择就地过年呢?想了解更多考试最新资讯可以关注考必过。

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