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更新时间:2020-12-03 17:13:03 来源:网络 阅读量:

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拥有1800多年历史的饺子是经典的中国美食,是年夜饭的一道传统菜,在中国,尤其是中国北方很常见。据说饺子由名医张仲景首创。有人把饺子包得像元宝(Chinese silver ingots)。传说你在庆祝新年时吃的饺子越多,你在来年挣的钱越多。饺子皮薄馅松,造型独特。饺子馅料丰富,猪肉、牛肉、卷心菜、萝卜、洋葱等均可。饺子可以煮、蒸、煎或烤。

With a history of more than 1,800 years, dumplings are a classic Chinese food, and a traditional dish eaten on Chinese New Year's Eve, widely popular in China, especially in North China. It is said that the dish was invented by Zhang Zhongjing, one of the finest Chinese physicians. Chinese dumplings can be made to look like Chinese silver ingots. Legend has it that the more dumplings you eat during the New Year celebrations, the more money you can make in the New Year. Dumplings feature thin skin, soft stuffings, and unique shapes. Dumpling stuffings are various, including pork, beef, cabbage, carrots, onions and so on. They can be cooked by boiling, steaming, frying or baking.


据说五千年前,中国的一位帝王发现了茶并且用茶来治病。作为一种传统饮品, 茶带我们的是享受,并帮助我们保持清醒。因此,无论在历史上还是在今日之中国, 人们喜欢喝茶都是一种普遍现象。专家指出,常喝红茶养胃,红茶也被视为最健康的 茶品之一。在闲暇的时光里,很多人会躺在椅子上,品茶享受着美好的时光 ;在忙碌 的日子里,也正是喝茶消解了人们的疲惫。

It is said that 5,000 years ago, an emperor of China discovered tea and used it to treat the disease. As a traditional drink, tea brings us enjoyment and helps us (to) keep our mind clear. Accordingly, whether in history or in the present-day China, it is a common phenomenon for people to drink tea. Experts point out that drinking black tea regularly is beneficial to one’s stomach and black tea is regarded as one of the healthiest drinks. During the leisure time, a host of people lie in chairs, drinking tea and enjoying their pleasant time. During the busy days, it is also drinking tea that eases people’s fatigue.


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