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【摘要】 关注雅思考试历年真题可以更好地掌握考试出题动向,明确知识点的考查方式。考必过为大家精心整理了2019年11月16日雅思阅读考试真题及答案,希望能够帮助即将参加雅思考试的考生们顺利达成考试目标。2019年11月16日雅思阅读考试真题及答案的详细内容如下:



  Passage 1


  Questions 1-5

  choose NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS from the passage for each answer

  Write your answers in boxes 1-5 on your answer sheet.

  Nowadays it seems difficult for people to avoid the effects of living in world Noise is the

  sound beyond average of 1.85 dBa referring to the agency's definition. Scientific studies over the years from the mid to at late 1990shave confirmed that exposure to certain levels of sound can cause 2 hearing  on certain senior age.

  From the testing of 5, 249 children, those who are constantly exposed to excessive noise may have trouble in 3high-frequency sound discrimination. The effects of sound don’t stop with the ears, exposure to noise may lead to unease of 4 stomach in healthy people. Europe has taken steps on the noise issue,big cities of over 250,000 people are creating 5 noise map to help creating noise pollution policies.

  Questions 6-10

  Look at the following researchers and the list of findings below. Match each researcher with the correct finding.

  Write the correct letter in boxes 6-10 on your answer sheet.

  List of people or orgnisations


  B Willian luxford (the House Ear Clinic)

  c Carigmoulton (OSHA)

  D Arline bronzaft

  E Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

  6 People can change the environment to improve hearing health---B

  7 Government should continue the research on anti-noise researches with fund---D

  8 companies should be required to protect the employees to avoid noise---C

  9Noise has posed effect on American children children's hearing ability---E

  10 noise has seriously affected human being where they live worldwide---A

  Questions 17-13

  11 The board of schools built close to the tracks are convinced to

  A moved the classrooms away from the noisy track

  B regulated the track usage to a less extent

  C utilized a special material into classroom buildings lessening the effect of outside noise

  D organized a team for a follow-up stud

  12 In the European countries, the big cities research on noise focuses on

  A How to record pollution details of the city on maps

  B the impact of noise on population shift in the European cities

  C how wide can a city be to avoid noise pollution

  D helping the authorities better make a decision on management of the city

  13 What is the best title of paragraph 1?

  A How people cope with noise pollution

  B the fight against the noise with the powerful technology

  C The effects of living in a noisy world

  D The Effects of noise on children’s leaning

  Passage 2


  Passage 3



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