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ACCA考试 F1第二十九章试题练习(1)

更新时间:2020-08-28 00:32:45 来源: 阅读量:

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ACCA考试 F1第二十九章试题练习(1)

ACCA考试 F1第二十九章试题练习(1)


1.William Ouchi identified three types of control. Which of the following is not one of those?

A Bureaucratic control

B Market control

C Output control

D Clan control


2.From the list below, identify the one that doesn\'t have the attributes of a group.

A The finance department of an organisation

B An orchestra

C A football team

D Five pop fans


3. Which of the following is most clearly a sign of an ineffective group?

A Internal disagreement and criticism

B Passive acceptance of work decisions

C Competition with other groups


4. A leader may be distinguished from a manager by lack of dependency on:

A Position power

B Expert power

C Personal power

D Physical power


5. Delegation is needed in organisations to enable a distribution of work in the organisation. Select the two best reasons why managers may be reluctant to delegate.

(i) Doesn\'t trust staff to carry out delegated tasks

(ii) Wants to control all activities under his or her responsibility

(iii) The organisation is dynamic and turbulent with constant changes

(iv) Is new and doesn\'t know how competent staff are

A (i) and (ii)

B (ii) and (iii)

C (iii) and (iv)

D (i) and (iv)



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