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更新时间:2020-08-19 19:24:09 来源: 阅读量:

【摘要】 12级台风“海高斯”登陆珠海,一起来看看跟台风相关的表达考必过小编为大家整理了关于12级台风“海高斯”登陆珠海,一起来看看跟台风相关的表达的信息,希望可以帮助到大家!




Pacific typhoon refers to tropical cyclones forming in the northwestern Pacific Ocean. Other tropical cyclones include hurricanes that form over the Atlantic Ocean, Caribbean Sea, the Gulf of Mexico, or the Pacific Ocean north of the equator and east of the Date Line. The basin is demarcated within the Pacific Ocean from Asia, north of the equator, and west of the international date line. Storms from the Eastern and Central Pacific crossing the date line are re-designated as typhoons. This basin features the strongest cyclones on record.

台风是热带气旋的一个类别。其他热带气旋包括了大西洋、加勒比海、墨西哥湾、或者太平洋北部的赤道以及国际日期线东部的龙卷风。在气象学上,按世界气象组织定义:热带气旋中心持续风速达到12级(即每秒32.7米或以上)称为飓风(hurricane)或本地近义字(local synonym),飓风的名称使用在北大西洋及东太平洋;而北太平洋西部(赤道以北,国际日期线以西,东经100度以东)使用的近义字是台风(typhoon)。在台湾、日本等地,则将中心持续风速每秒17.2米以上的热带气旋(包括世界气象组织定义中的热带风暴、强烈热带风暴和台风)皆称为台风。在某些地区的非正式场合,“台风”甚至泛指包括热带低气压、热带风暴、强烈热带风暴和台风等所有在北太平洋西部出现的热带气旋。

Typhoon seasons include the entirety of the calendar year. Most storms tend to form between May and November, with peak months from August to October. The peak months correspond to that of the Atlantic hurricane seasons.



tropical cyclone 热带气旋

gale with rain 大风有雨

evacuation 撤离;疏散

against typhoon 预防台风

the eye of typhoon 台风眼

red alert 红色预警


The typhoo left chaos behind it.台风后一片混乱。

The typhoon heaved the  sea into huge waves.台风使海面波涛汹涌。

The trees were leveled by the typhoon.树木被台风刮倒了。

The latest reports say the typhoon has now landed in Guangdong.最新报道,台风已经开始登陆广东省。

Without area would be even hotter while the frigid zones much colder. 如果没有台风,地球上的冷热会更不均衡。


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