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【摘要】 GRE填空考试题目的练习32考必过小编为大家整理了关于GRE填空考试题目的练习32的信息,希望可以帮助到大家!



Section 32

1. Because it is ________ to ________ all the business costs related to employee discontent, an accurate estimate of the magnitude of these costs is not easily calculated.

(A) difficult.. measure

(B) impossible.. justify

(C) improper.. overlook

(D) useless.. discover

(E) necessary.. pinpoint

2. Consider the universal cannibalism of the sea, all of whose creatures ________ one another.

(A) hide from

(B) ferret out

(C) prey on

(D) glide among

(E) compete against

3. How could words, confined as they individually are to certain ________ meanings specified in a dictionary, eventually come, when combined in groups, to create obscurity and actually to prevent thought from being ________ ?

(A) indefinite.. articulated

(B) conventional.. conceivable

(C) unlikely.. classified

(D) archaic.. expressed

(E) precise.. communicable

4. Even though they tended to be ________ strangers, fifteenth-century Europeans did not automatically associate ________ and danger.

(A) trusting of.. diversity

(B) haughty with.. nonconformity

(C) interested in.. enmity

(D) antagonistic to.. rudeness

(E) hostile to.. foreignness

5. The modern age is a permissive one in which things can be said explicitly, but the old tradition of ________ dies hard.

(A) garrulousness

(B) exaggeration

(C) excoriation

(D) bombast

(E) euphemism

6. Although many findings of the Soviet and United States probes of Venus were complementary, the two sets of atmospheric results clearly could not be ________ without a major change of data or ________ .

(A) obtained.. experimentation

(B) completed.. position

(C) matched.. implementation

(D) reconciled.. interpretation

(E) produced.. falsification

7. While it is assumed that the mechanization of work has a ________ effect on the lives of workers, there is evidence available to suggest that, on the contrary, mechanization has served to ________ some of the traditional roles of women.

(A) salutary.. improve

(B) dramatic.. undermine

(C) benign.. revise

(D) debilitating.. weaken

(E) revolutionary.. reinforce


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