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【摘要】 GRE填空考试题目的练习28考必过小编为大家整理了关于GRE填空考试题目的练习28的信息,希望可以帮助到大家!



Section 28

1. Though it would be ________ to expect Barnard to have worked out all of the limitations of his experiment, he must be ________ for his neglect of quantitative analysis.

(A) unjust.. pardoned

(B) impudent.. dismissed

(C) unrealistic.. criticized

(D) pointless.. examined

(E) inexcusable.. recognized

2. The hierarchy of medical occupations is in many ways a ________ system; its strata remain ________ and the practitioners in them have very little vertical mobility.

(A) health.. skilled

(B) delivery.. basic

(C) regimental.. flexible

(D) training.. inferior

(E) caste.. intact

3. Noting the murder victim's flaccid musculature and pearlike figure, she deduced that the unfortunate fellow had earned his living in some ________ occupation.

(A) treacherous

(B) prestigious

(C) ill-paying

(D) illegitimate

(E) sedentary

4. In Germany her startling powers as a novelist are widely ________ , but she is almost unknown in the English-speaking world because of the difficulties of ________ her eccentric prose.

(A) ignored.. editing

(B) admired.. translating

(C) espoused.. revealing

(D) obscured.. comprehending

(E) dispersed.. transcribing

5. Liberty is not easy, but far better to be an ________ fox, hungry and threatened on its hill, than a ________ canary, safe and secure in its cage.

(A) unfriendly.. fragile

(B) aging.. young

(C) angry.. content

(D) imperious.. lethargic

(E) unfettered.. well-fed

6. Re melting old metal cans rather than making primary aluminum from bauxite ore shipped from overseas saves producers millions of dollars in ________ and production costs.

(A) distribution

(B) salvage

(C) storage

(D) procurement

(E) research

7. Johnson never ________ to ignore the standards of decent conduct mandated by company policy if ________ compliance with instructions from his superiors enabled him to do so, whatever the effects on his subordinates.

(A) deigned.. tacit

(B) attempted.. halfhearted

(C) intended.. direct

(D) scrupled.. literal

(E) wished.. feigned


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