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更新时间:2020-05-26 20:35:35 来源: 阅读量:

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【摘要】 元宵节_2000字作文是经过人的思想考虑和语言组织,通过文字来表达一个主题意义的记叙方法。从小学时期开始,我们就开始学习写作文了。那么你知道如何写小学作文吗?考必过为大家精心整理了元宵节_2000字,希望能够帮助到大家。


"Tangyuan dumplings dumplings, sweet sweet dumpling is round and round..." And this is a sing "tangyuan" yuanxiao. Because, we all said to eat dumplings, the dream is round, so the aunt to sing, sing uncle, uncle sing, we sing.

In a few days off, I am the most happy day, is the Lantern Festival. That day, uncle came to my house to have a meal, uncle had just sat down and asked me: "whoever, you pass the fireworks?" I replied: "let go once or twice." Uncle went on to say: "that you want to put on a?" I said: "of course! But mother partial about fireworks are dangerous! Don't let me more." Uncle said: "don't be afraid, I told your mother, she will agree!" I jumped for joy "three thousand feet", I shouted: "can fireworks again! Can fireworks again!" I turned to uncle said, "or uncle loves me!" Uncle smiled to me, looking back at his newspaper again.

After dinner, uncle gave me a big bag of fireworks, and three incense sticks, let my mother and I went downstairs to put. Stone chair beside the downstairs, I put the fireworks pipe on the ground first, then the fireworks near the tube with a lit incense probe, lighting, before long, the fireworks "sou" like a rocket, fly in the sky, then, "touch" with a scattered in the sky, just like a flower! Later, I took a look, there are red, have yellow, with purple, with green and various different variety, really good-looking!

Later, I got home, my mother brought me a bowl of dumplings to eat, ah! I really like your Lantern Festival!






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