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更新时间:2020-05-05 14:03:35 来源: 阅读量:

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【摘要】 商务英语(BUSINESS ENGLISH )是以适应职场生活的语言要求为目的,内容涉及到商务活动的方方面面。下面是2020剑桥商务英语初级试题练习(1),小编建议有准备参加考试的备考生一定要合理规划时间,仔细阅读相关规定,提前做好考前准备。下面让我们看看2020剑桥商务英语初级试题练习(1)的具体内容:


1. Manpower planning 人力规划

A: Who does manpower planning for our company?。

B: Human Resoursces will do it with the plants.

A: 我们公司的人力规划是谁来负责 ?


2. Potential programs 潜在项目

A: Who is tracking the potential prog rams?

B: The Commercial Department.

A: 谁在跟踪潜在项目 ? B:商务部。

3. Production line planning 生产线规划

A: Does Manufacturing also do produ ction line planning?

B: You are right.

A: 制造工程部还做生产线规划吗 ? B:你说对了。

4. Profit forecast 利润预测

A: What is our profit forecast for nex t month?

B: About one million dollars.

A: 下个月的利润预测是多少 ? B:大概有一百万美元。

5. Proposed plans 推荐计划

A: Let's go through our proposed plans.

B: Good.

A: 咱们来看一下推荐计划。

1. Award 奖品 ,获奖

A: Are we going to decide the award recipients today?

B: Yes. We plan to announce them next week.

A: 我们今天要决定获奖人吗 ? B:是的 ,我们计划下周公布。

2. Behind schedule 比计划延期

A: How is the program going?

B: We are away behind the schedule. A: 项目进行得怎样 ?

B: 我们比计划拖期很多。

3. Monthly review 月审核

A: Let's have the monthly review this Friday.

B: No problem. I'll arrange the meeting.

A: 我们周五做月审核吧。B: 没问题 ,我来安排会议。

4. Bonuses 红利 /奖金

A: When are we going to distribute t he bonuses?

B: I heard it's going to be next month.

A: 我们什么时候发奖金啊 ? B: 我听说是下个月发。

5. Conclusion 结论

A: Have we arrived at any conclusions?

B: We have.

A: 我们得出什么结论了吗 ? B: 得出了。

1. Penalty 罚款

A: What is the penalty if the deliveries are late?

B: Each day, we will be charged for

one thousandth of the contract amount. A: 如果发货迟了的话 ,罚金是多少 ? B: 每天支付合同总金额的千分之一。

2. Phase review 阶段性审核

A: Did we have any review for this phase?

B: We did. There are still quite a few deliverables we need to work on again.

A: 我们这个阶段做审核了吗 ?

B:做了 ,还有一些需要提交的文件需要

1. Behind schedule 比计划延期

A: How is the program going?

B: We are away behind the schedule. A: 项目进行得怎样 ?

B: 我们比计划拖期很多。

2. Monthly review 月审核

A: Let's have the monthly review this Friday.

B: No problem. I'll arrange the meeting.

A: 我们周五做月审核吧。B: 没问题 ,我来安排会议。

3. Bonuses 红利 /奖金

A: When are we going to distribute t he bonuses?

B: I heard it's going to be next month.

A: 我们什么时候发奖金啊 ? B: 我听说是下个月发。

4. Conclusion 结论

A: Have we arrived at any conclusions?

B: We have.

A: 我们得出什么结论了吗 ? B: 得出了。


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