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【摘要】 商务英语考试是考察真实工作环境中英语交流能力,将其作为入学考试或招聘录用的英语语言水平要求。下面是BEC高级情景口语:GivingtoaCharityOne-中华考试网的一些常见问题,仔细阅读相关规定,提前做好准备,俗话说不打没有准备的仗,做足准备。下面让我们看看BEC高级情景口语:GivingtoaCharityOne-中华考试网的具体内容:



  Michael: Ok, folks....It's been a tough year, butwe're going to stick with our tradition and give ourusual yearly amount. Any suggestions?

  Frank: Perhaps we could donate to my church'smissionary group. I know a couple other goodChristian organizations that could use some help.

  Jenny: Um....if I might interject. I don't have aproblem with religious charities but I do object to anyproselytizing.

  虽然公司不景气,但还是打算依惯例捐款。 Frank建议捐给基督教团体,但是Jenny反对向特定宗教色彩的团体捐助,避免支持某一宗教之嫌。 Proselytize是劝人信教的意思。

  Ok, that's a good point to think about. We want the donations to reflect the entirecompany so we should avoid anything controversial.

  Gina: I was thinking perhaps we could give to more international causes. The victims of thathorrible earthquake in China still need a lot of help.

  F: How about the Red Cross? They have a pretty good track record, right?

  G: Yeah, let's give them 10%.

  M, G, J: Agreed.

  Michael同意Jenny的看法,因为捐助代表整个公司,应该避免任何争议。 Gina提议捐给国际慈善事业,比如说中国地震灾民。 Frank提出,红十字会的记录就不错。大家同意把百分之十的钱捐给红十字会。

  J: I was doing some research before this meeting and I found a great website calledCharityWatch.org. They have lots of tips about avoiding fraud and giving to the rightorganizations. Did you know that nearly 70,000 new American charity groups were foundedjust last year?

  F: Wow....that's a lot of choices. It's kind of daunting! So should we stick with the triedand proven groups or should we branch out?


  G: A group called "Water-4-Africa" sponsors water-purifying kits that can help eliminateserious diseases.

  I like it. All in favor?

  G, F,: Yes.

  J: It sounds good. But I think I should do a bit more research. The American Institute ofPhilanthropy suggests we check to see how much of the funds they use for direct charitywork and how much goes to administration costs.

  F: You know, Jenny has a point. All these groups look good on paper, but you never know.



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